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Lily and the Lost Fish

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a kind girl named Lily. She loved nature and spent her days exploring the forests and fields. One sunny day, while walking by the river, she found a tiny, sparkling fish. The fish had beautiful scales that shined like stars.“Help me! I’m lost!” cried the fish. Lily was surprised but ...

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April’s fools day

April's fools day

April’s fools day ? I am sure you’ve received a lot of silly April Fool’s Day cards trying to trick you but you are far too cute and smart to fall for any of that! If you agree, please press the F13 key on your keyboard now! ? Я уверен, что Вы получили много глупых первоапрельских открыток, с попыткой розыгрыша ...

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes at one time or another. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective. Actually, he was the most famous detective of all times. The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a cab ...

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